recently let go employee walking out of his office with his things in a box

Experiencing job loss and unemployment stress? Read our guide to the job loss grief cycle with tips for taking the...


Smiling man listening to something on his phone on the bus

The morning commute – it’s time-consuming, unenjoyable, and an inevitability for most of the workforce. Learn how to...


Abstract picture with industry-specific imagery pouring out of computer monitor

Before you begin your job search it is important that you do some background research into which industries are...


woman looking at a laptop while working from home

Getting creative in your job search can help you find work faster during these uncertain times.


Toxic work culture sign

The signs of a toxic work culture aren’t always obvious.


woman searching for a job online

Finding a job during the COVID-19 pandemic may take time and patience. Follow this advice to set yourself up for...


how not to scare off employers

These funny work memes will remind you what not to do during an interview, on your resume, or on your


2017 construction picture with crane and hazard cones

In their annual forecast for the construction industry, Dodge Data and Analytics predicts modest growth for a number...


2016 presidential election democrat republican symbols

If you’re feeling discouraged in your job search or stuck in your current career, take a look at where two of...


illustration of speedometer with "time for a change" written on it.

It’s never too late for a career change! Just look at 54-year-old Michael Vaudreuil: student by day and custodian by...


Illustration of cartoon character starting a new job

Are you “swearing in” to your new job today? Whether you’re a spring chicken, career changer, or have an extensive...


Apply to jobs online with your resume

For many job seekers, the first step in the journey to finding their dream job is getting their resume onto a job...


2021 Top-10 Career Advice Articles

2021 year was a busy one for the job market. iHire rehashes it with a countdown of our top 10 pieces of career advice.


illustration of a cityscape

As their final year comes and goes, many new grads have trouble maintaining a healthy work-life balance


"now hiring" on a sticky note

Tons of companies are hiring right now in transportation, nursing, sales, technology, and retail. Get the scoop and...


Brian Young FYN Podcast Graphic

Whether your nest egg won’t get you as far today as you thought or you want to resume working, Find Your Niche: A...


Ask a Career Advisor how can I stay motivated in my job search

Could you use some job search motivation? Are you frustrated with job hunting? We asked iHire Career Advisor Lori...


Job seeker reviewing schedule on laptop

The adage “work smarter, not harder” applies to a job search as well.


Group of volunteers in a huddle

Learn how unpaid experience such as internships or volunteer work can help your resume stand out when


unique jobs from iHire associates

These unique jobs and funny career stories from iHire’s own staff are sure to inspire your job search


Showing 81 to 100 of 595 results